
How To Write A Good Blog

According to Coschedule, original, comprehensive and ACTIONABLE content is the best and most engaging type of blog content. Coschedule goes on to state that “the best content instructs the reader on how to perform the tasks we suggest. We thrive on step-by-step explanations and examples.”

Not only is the type of blog important but the way you structure a blog is also important. For blogs to adhere to best practices, they must consist of four (4) parts: A heading, an Introduction, a Body section with Sub-points and a Conclusion.

It is based on this research that Flintt has designed its content form. A content form that instructs and enables you to write “step-by-step” copy that will engage your audience and help you build your online reputation.

Today, we will explore how to write a good blog focusing on each section.

Writing Winning Titles

Your copy is only as good as your Title. In fact, 8 out of 10 people will read the headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest. Not only that, 70% of people will share content based ONLY on the headline without even reading the copy. It is imperative that your title demand attention.

Here are 5 little known tricks that demand attention: 

  • Add Numbers and Data
  • Disrupt To Differentiate
  • Demand Attention
  • Use A Headline Analyser Tool
  • Measure Success

Making Your Blog “Scanner” Friendly

If your blog title did its job, then your audience will scan through the rest of the information. According to a Nielson Article only 79% of people constantly scan any new page they come across and only 16% read every word on a page. This means you must make it “scanner friendly”. 

This is done by: 

  • Adding great sub-headings
  • Dot/bullet points
  • Leaving white spaces between your paragraphs 
  • Adding a conclusion

Introductions That Gather Momentum

If your content has passed the “scan test”, your audience will read your introduction. To make sure your introduction connects with your audience, your introduction must speak to the problem your audience is facing. Remember, people only care about what is important to them. And, what’s important to your audience is the problem they are facing. 

A great introduction consists of four (4) parts:

  • The Opener - a line or two to catch someone's attention
  • The Problem - define the problem and the symptoms
  • The Solution - the antidote to the problem
  • The Expectation - sneak peek at the content

A Step-By-Step Guide

If your intro did its job, your audience is ready for the solution. Your step-by-step, actionable solution should guide your audience to understand WHAT they need to do to solve the problem your blog is addressing. However, it must lead them to feel that the BEST solution is to use your products or services. Try to logically break this section down without overwhelming your audience.

This is what we call the “meat and potatoes” this is the section that you know the most about. This is your solution. This is the reason your product or service exists.

Conclusions That Convert

Remember, people will read the conclusion BEFORE they read the whole blog. 

Your conclusion has three (3) different purposes: 

  1. Encourage your audience to read your article. Do this by summarising the blog: re-state the purpose and outcome.
  2. Connect with your audience. Add your final thoughts, ask an engaging question
  3. Spur ACTION. You must have a Call To Action (CTA) for the next step


In this blog, we reviewed the exact steps required to write a blog article that your audience will read and how to inspire them to take action. Now that you know exactly how to write a good blog, the following steps are learning how to leverage your blog by repurposing it: re-using existing content and presenting it in a new format to expand its reach and lifespan. 

Are you ready to turn your blog into as many as 13 pieces of content at the click of a button? 

Give your content new life with Flintt - https://www.flintt.com.au/